Gauze Eye Pad

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Gauze Eye Pad

Gauze Eye Pad

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Gauze Eye Pad Description

Gauze eye pad consists of absorbent pad which made from 100% cotton and covered with a gauze outer layer, ideally designed for eye care. Can be used after ophthalmic surgery to protect wound and absorb exudate.

Gauze Eye Pad Benefits

High absorbency, super softness.

Oval design enhances patient comfort.

Providing gentle and safe protection

Sealed edge helps to reduce lint

Gauze Eye Pad Application

Can be used after ophthalmic operation or eye care, to protect the wound, absorb exudate.

Gauze Eye Pad Specification

5.5×7.5Cotton: 130gsm. Gauze:40’S/30×301pcs/pack
5.5×7.5Cotton: 150gsm. Gauze:40’S/30×301pcs/pack
5.5×7.5Cotton: 240gsm. Gauze:40’S/30×301pcs/pack
