Transparent Film Wound Dressing

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Winner Transparent Film Dressing

Winner Transparent Film Dressing
Winner Transparent Film Dressing
Winner Transparent Film Dressing
Winner Transparent Film Dressing

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Winner Transparent Film Dressing Description

Winner Transparent Film Dressing is composed of a layer of glued transparent polyurethane film and release paper. It is convenient to use and is suitable for joints and other parts of the body.




Winner Transparent Film Dressing Applicable Population

  • Patients using indwelling needle or non sticky dressing.

  • Transparent, breathable, strong ductility, can be used for flexible joint parts. The application is firm and no residual glue when peeling.

Winner Transparent Film Dressing Feature

Fixation of indwelling needle and dressing.

Winner Transparent Film Dressing Advantages

1. Good waterproof performance brings safe care to patients. Waterproof, impermeable to fluids for safety and protection. Allows the patient to shower with the dressing in situ.

2. The soft absorbent pad with absorbent can effectively absorb the exudate.

3. The low-adhesion surface does not have mucous membranes so that the exudate can be quickly diverted into the absorbent pad.

4. Provides gentle and secure fixation.

Winner Transparent Film Dressing Application

Transparent Film Dressing is suitable for aseptic bandaging of small wounds or surgical wounds and other emergency treatments. Wounds in the epithelialization period are characterized by a small amount of exudate, minor wounds, and wounds that are not infected. It can be used for minor burns, scalds, mild abrasions, and cuts. Ideally designed for catheters and drainage tubes fixation. Also can be used as a second dressings over alginates, wounds pads, gauzes and other primary dressings.

Winner Transparent Film Dressing Specification




108 012


100pcs/box, 20boxes/case

108 014


50pcs/box, 24boxes/case

108 015


20pcs/box, 20boxes/case

108 016


20pcs/box, 20boxes/case
